
Baby Names...

So Husby and I have already discussed names for our next child even though we are not planning to start trying for another one until B is 2 years or so.

Courtney for a first name after my grandfather if we have a girl

Not sure on the middle name for a girl, but likely it will be a family name

Douglas for a middle name after my dad if we have another boy

Not sure again on first name, but we have a ton of time to work it out....

I know a lot of people were surprised we did not use a family name or name our B after someone, but we chose a unique first name and the family middle name from Husby's side since B is our first born son and that is the tradition...I hope we have a girl next time around...

*Update 12/30/10*

So we have done some more name playing and have come up with:

Courtney Ann for a girl (Courtney after my grandfather, Ann is a family middle name on Husby's side)

Van Douglas for a boy (Van is both part of my maiden name and my grandfather's nickname and Douglas after my dad)

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