
Halloween Weekend

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween, whether it involved trick or treating, parties and costumes or just a relaxing evening at home handing candy out to all the neighborhood kids. Mike and I decided to stay in and pass candy out and catch up on some TV shows and I did some more scrapbooking. The puppies got dressed up for the occasion (Reese was a police officer, Lucky was a prisoner and Snowball was originally a lobster but Lucky didn't like that costume and ripped a hole in it so Snowball was a homeboy in his sweatshirt instead).

I started the Met on Friday evening as well. I survived the first weekend! Not too bad side effects, just need to watch the foods I eat since I've had a stomachache off and on since starting the medicine. Now we'll see if anything has changed in a few weeks.

It's been pretty quiet otherwise. I know I am looking forward to Thanksgiving in SC with my mom, Leo and my aunt and uncle and cousins. Small family thanksgiving; but so worth it. We already found Lucky a seatbelt for the car so we don't have him in our laps or jumping around like he does every time we take them for a drive to the dog walk. And it looks like Christmas will also be quiet. My mom is coming down for a few days and then possibly Mike's family is going to come visit, but other than that, it will be a quiet Florida Christmas for the first time in our own home.

I guess that's all for now. Even though we gained an extra hour I am still not liking this week. I have another exam to give on Thursday (bummer!). I feel I will be seeing A LOT of red as a grade them this coming weekend, since very few of them even attempted to do the practice packet of questions they were given and the test is 60% those questions. Oh well, such is life.

Have a good day all!

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