
Holiday Travel..here, there and everywhere...oh my!

So I guess it is now official. We have yet another hectic holiday season (someday, I hope to not celebrate a wedding during Christmas-NewYear's). This Wednesday we are off to Myrtle for Thanksgiving along with my Aunt, Uncle & cousin from FL. It will be a large gathering with my Mom, Leo, us 3, them 3 and Ellen flying in from NY. I'm looking forward to a quiet, relaxing long weekend with them all. Then it's back home on Sunday in time for league, followed by exactly 2 more weeks of classes for me (this term has flown by...somewhat bittersweet, somewhat thankful)-so I am done the 9th-yippee! Then the schedule gets hectic...

Nov. 23- Caravan with The S's to Myrtle
Nov. 27- Return to Casa
Nov. 29-Dec. 9- K teaches
Dec. 14 K's Birthday
Dec. 19-Roadtrip to Myrtle
Dec. 26-Roadtrip to Pcola
Dec. 28-Fly to Detroit (wedding on Friday)
Jan 1-Fly back to Pcola
Jan 1-? Pcola?

The length of the stay in Pcola is dependent on many factors, but may also include some other day trips or visits. I am not saying anything concrete, but we definitely need to be back for league on the 8th...however, I do not think I can handle that long of a visit, so we will see. It will also depends on job prospects for Husby, sleep schedules and what the plans with the Neuro-Orthopedic doctor are...

More to come later...

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