
Shots, Shots &...

...more Shots for Brantley. Yesterday, Brantley had his one year check-up with Dr. O. As expected, B was happy the entire time, showing off his walking, crawling and grabbing skills. He even showed the nurses and Dr. O how he replaces the bottle cap when he is done.

His 1 year stats are 22 lbs and 29.5-30 inches (he was wiggling for the nurse). Once again not really packing on the weight, but growing in height. Over the weekend, he spent some time with 18 month old twins and was taller than 1 of them and the same height as the other.

He is surpassing all other milestones and actually has a good vocabulary already. Even though is not fully walk by himself yet, Dr. O says he has everything there to walk and will walk in his own time...walking to him is just not a priority (although I think both Daddy & I are hoping to see him walk soon).

After visiting with the doctor for a while, it was time for the dreaded shot time.
This visit B got 4 shots! I thought they were kidding at first, but then the nurses came in with 2 each. Since everyone knows he is a strong boy, they had 1 nurse for each leg and 2 shots per a leg and third nurse to help hold his leg straight and put the bandaids on. Thankfully, he was a trooper and only cried during the actual shot. As soon as they were done, he drank his milk and was fine within minutes laughing and wanting to go play.

Unfortunately, he goes back in 2 weeks for the remaining 2 shots and then will not have to worry about shots for a while. I'm glad he did well with the shots...must mean he takes after Husby in the pain category.

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