
Nursery Projects...continued

We found 5 patterns of projects we want to do for the nursery.

13. Rocker Cushions (Back & Bottom) 
14. Hanging Organizer
Using this pattern and fabric we will make cooridnating cushions for my grandparents' rocking chair and a hanging organizer for the nursery.

15. Clownfish Blanket
Using this pattern and orange, black & white fleece fabric, we are making a large throw blanket for either use on the floor or cool days in the stroller.

16. "His" diaper bag
Using this pattern and fabric, Hubby is making himself a Gators diaper bag.

 17. Baby Wrap
18. Terry Cloth Bib
Using this pattern and some terry fabric (not sure exactly on what color or pattern we will ultimately go with), I want to make the baby blanket wrap and a matching bib.


19. Pillow Cover
Probably Terrycloth material
20. Shopping Cart Cover
Probably in Gator material to match Hubby's bag
21. Pacifier Case 
Probably in Gator material to match Hubby's bag 

Using this pattern:


22. Changing Pad
Probably in Gator material to match Hubby's bag 
23. Burp Cloth
Probably in Gator material (and soft, terrycloth material) to match Hubby's bag 
24. Tummy Pillow
Probably in Gator material to match Hubby's bag 
25. Bib
Probably in Gator material (and vinyl material) to match Hubby's bag 
26. Diaper Wipes Case
Probably in Gator material to match Hubby's bag 
27. Pacifier Clip
Probably in Gator material to match Hubby's bag 

Using this pattern:

28. Yo-yo Dolls
*Depending on my time availability, I think I will try making some of these animals in different colors and adapt the pattern to make other animals than just the three pictured in the pattern. I would also like to try making a blanket with the yo-yo's, but do not think that will be happening anytime before LO arrives since the rest of the projects are definitely more a priority.

Using this pattern:

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