
Grad School Blues...

Today I am singing the Grad School Blues. How in one day can I go from carefree and relaxed about my upcoming class to a complete mess and overwhelmed? Oh that's right because I decided to have 7 classes of students take an exam this week and my new semester of classes started and there are a gazillion things to do in 1 week for this class. I have 3 readings (1 is mandatory, 1 is "optional but important that you skim the key details" and 1 is a case study on Calif. Finance), a 3 pg. paper/discussion to write, a Self-Test, a weekly evaluation, a discussion of introductory value. Oh and I am *supposed* to start working on my Course Project that is due at the end of the semester. Where do I start?

To top it off, my students have come up with wonderful reasons for why they did not do well on their exams...complain, complain, complain. And then while I am lecturing, they interrupt to ask meaningless questions....just another day in the life of an underpaid, unappreciated teacher. :(

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