
Exam Day = Doom Day!

So today is a teaching day with 3 classes to teach. Fortunately for me, it's an exam week (second of four), so there is less creativity on my part, as I only have to lecture for 1.5 hours instead of 2.5 to 3 hours. But here is what is irking me today. They all knew they had an exam today...I only announced it and wrote it on the board every week for the past 2 weeks and highlighted it during last week's class and they have a course syllabus....yet I had 2 students who were completely oblivious to today's exam. Then, because I care about my student's well-being, I reviewed and reviewed and reviewed the material being covered on the exam, posted a review sheet online for them, and evenly slipped on some hints as to the types of questions that may be on their exam. Any yet, they still seem to miss the questions! Seriously? I cannot even give away points. I think I will need a large bag of chocolate to get through this grading week. :(

Sorry for the rant!

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