
Christmas Eve eve

Well after a bit of a hiatus due to the hectic schedule of projects to get accomplished before the family festivities and arrivals, I wanted to take a moment to post. It's been busy and I'm not even sure where to begin on the last few weeks. Two weekends ago we attended 2 of Michael's coworker's wedding at a local hotel on the beach. Being from Europe, the wedding was attended strictly by close friends and coworkers, so it was a nice small ceremony and luncheon. Although it was a bit breezy, the wedding was beautiful and lunch was great. That same night, we had a holiday party at another of Michael's coworker's homes. Where else (other than Florida) can you stand around a fire pit roasting marshmallows in short sleeves this time of year? The next morning was my birthday. It was a normal Sunday for us with catching up on stuff around the house and errands. I baked about 9 dozen cookies between cookies for Michael's work, my job's cookie exchange and extra cookies for the house for the holidays as well that day. We attended another holiday party and then this weekend had a party at bowling. We ended up in 3rd place for the first half of the season (good enough considering we only had 3 bowlers most of the season and only had 3 this final week). Hopefully we will regroup and do even better next half. I finally got the house cleaned and straightened and all the gifts wrapped this weekend and later today my mom comes in for a few days. Hopefully this nice weather stays (they are calling for 80's on Christmas) and on Saturday we will be able to paint the house (or at least get the primer coat done).
Not too much else going on. I have been having roller coaster days with being sick and it's starting to wear thin on me. I have no idea what is causing it (if it's food related, food-medicine interaction, just the illness, etc.) but go back to the doctor in 3 weeks. I need to get it under control since I am teaching a full schedule next semester (5 classes).

Hope everyone has a safe and merry holiday.

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