
Our Little Stander

Brantley recent new feat is his desire to be stood up and lean on something. This can be the coffee table, where he attempts to mouth the edge of it or reach for the laptop and/or mouse or he uses one if his playmat toys as a standing ledge. Husby will hold him up and he will grab onto the ring (where the toys dangle off of) and hold on or lean on it. He has been trying to stand in our laps for some time, but this is new that he will do it on the floor. He becomes very angry with us if we do not fulfill his wishes and let him stand, but he is still not quite steady, so we must brace him and watch him like a hawk so he does not fall.

He also loves to be standing hold our fingers and then quickly squat down. If you pull him back up he laughs and giggles like it is a game. He then will continue to do these squats. It is hilarious to watch, especially with all the funny sounds and facial expressions he makes, but becomes tiring fast. His fascination with mirrors has grown to be a great mid-day break from his crankiness. He will stare into the mirror at himself for sometime in complete silence and awe. Last night, he sat on the floor in front of a picture frame we have our Christmas photo in, just cooing and laughing. It was a great occupying tool, but definitely something out of the ordinary.

Although the soothie pacifier never really took hold in our house, B is starting to use a pacifier around bedtime for short time periods. Lately he has been falling asleep at a decent hour to only wake up an hour or two later. Some of the issue is the fact that he moves in his sleep and sometimes ends up rolling himself over to his back. I think he becomes frustrated since he still has not fully mastered rolling from his back to his belly, so then he wakes up and starts crying. Once he is awake, he *expects* Husby or I to either play with him or give him another bottle. Typically we try the bottle route, which quickly turns into volcano baby since he really does not need anymore food in his little belly. A few nights ago, I experimented with another type of pacifier we had. He sucked on it for a while and then drifted off to slumberland. Unfortunately, once he gets into his crib, out pops the pacifier and if he was not fully out, then he reawakens. I wish we could teach him to take the pacifier a bit better at night, but then again I hope he never really becomes fully attached to the pacifier since they can cause more orthodontic damage in the long run and are hard to remove from a child as they age.

In some respects, I think his teeth may be bothering him, since he seems to stick EVERYTHING into his little mouth (his fists, the burpcloths, bibs, stuffed animals, teether toys, Sophie the Giraffe, our fingers, the dog's ear, the coffee table ledge...the list goes on...if it is something he can get his hands on, it is likely going in his mouth). We have yet to see any notions of teeth, but we are still a month or two early for that.

This weekend, we bought him a Fisher Price Play n Learn Puppy. Although it is half his size, he seems to like to hit the bottoms to hear it sing and talk. He plays the Baby Einstein turtle over and over, so to prevent us from losing our sanity, we introduced another sound toy (if I hear the Baby E melody anymore, I might lose it). For Valentine's Day, (yes, I know it is the Hallmark holiday and typically I do not celebrate it) I found B the Cooper doll and first book. Supposedly, Mr. Cooper will respond to you as you read his story, so I figured this may be a great experience to incorporate interaction with reading for B. Verdict is still out on it, so check back in a few weeks.

In other news, life is once again on the busy upswing here. Husby will be on 2 business trips back to back starting this Saturday. First stop is an Expo & Trade Show in Vegas (don't you feel bad for him) where he will be from Saturday until Thursday. On Friday, we will be traveling to Miami because on Saturday, I will graduate with my Master's (woohoo!). Then Sunday is Superbowl (we will be rooting for the commercials) and Monday morning he is off again to Ohio to hopefully return Wednesday afternoon. It will be a rough few days, but we shall persevere. I am praying there are no weather delays which may ruin our plans, but we shall see. I am looking forward to our minivacay for my graduation in Miami since we do not have any more travel planned until end of March. By the end of this year, B will be a seasoned traveler between trips to both grandmas, a trip to Louisiana for a wedding, a trip to Boston for another wedding and a possible travel to Iowa to see some family.


4 months


So I'm not sure if I should be concerned, but B is still wearing 0-3 clothes and even some newborn stuff (pants only). He really has no bum, and seems to have gained length/height, but is by no means chubby. As for diapers, the cloth AIO's are beginning to fit him, but his weight is still tiny so they get "gappy" when he fills them. We are in size 2 Huggies disposable diapers now, but again they sort of look big on him. At the doctor's office, he weighed 12lbs. 10oz, and measures 24.5 inches. He is still in the average range on the scale, so I guess I am not too concerned (especially since he is a healthy eater).

*Meal Time*

We are still using Breastflow bottles and Similac Sensitive for Spit-up. We were mixing rice into his night bottle, but during the holiday travels and his lack of poop diapers, we backed off on that. We just started adding rice to his purees. At Christmas we introduced Carrots, which he loved and gobbled up quickly. Then at New Year's, we tried Sweet Potatoes. We were so wrong about the carrots, he LOVES sweet potatoes. Once we got home, we introduced squash and again he had no problem with them. We have been feeding him at first 1/2 stage 1 jar of food, but quickly found that was not enough for our growing boy, so now he eats an entire 1 jar. This past weekend we introduced bananas at lunchtime and continued with either carrots, sweet potatoes or squash around dinnertime. We mainly feed him Earth's Best/Beechnut/Gerber Organic jar food as we introduce new veggies and fruit to him, but will soon be transitioning to making our own purees (special thanks to Mom for the great books).

Last night, we introduced Mum-Mums rice husks, which he seemed to enjoy. We now cannot eat a meal without B getting involved. He reaches out for our plates, stares us down from his Bumbo as we eat, or just voices his displeasure that we will not sure our yummy food with him.


He is a very well-behaved baby and a cuddler. He loves to be held but is perfectly content hanging out in his Bumbo, Boppy, FP Ocean Wonders Bouncer, FP Swing, Exersaucer, FP Jumparoo or laying on the floor on one of his play mats. He makes the rotationthroughout all of these stations and seems to enjoy the newness of each of them.

*Play Time*

We have really expanded playtime recently. We introduced the Jumparoo while on our holiday travels (acutally picked up in SC while visiting one grandma) and he loves it. He gets it bouncing and swinging and loves all the toys. Before leaving for vacation, I purchased an Exersaucer and it was not until we got back that he really got the hang of it. He is short for both the Exersaucer and the Jumparoo, so under the exersaucer we have a box from a Disney music collection and the WiiFit board underneath the Jumparoo. His gripping skills are excellent; almost too good. He grabs for his toys and pulls on stroller toys, car seat dangling toys, and anything in his zone for gripping, including faces, jewlery, fingers and dishes. He loves to stand and move his feet...but of course we are holding him up. He tries to put one foot in front of the other as someone (typically Husby) guides him and hold his body weight up.

*Sleepy Time*

He still sleeps through the night...bedtime anywhere from 10 to 11:30 in the evenings and wakes anywhere from 7 to 8am. He currently wakes himself up by rolling over to his belly. He naps mainly in his cribs, but sometimes his morning nap is taken in his swing. Typically he takes 2 long naps during the day (long in B's world is an hour) and there is usually one in the morning 9-10am time frame and then an afternoon nap around 2-3pm. Sometimes he takes quick cat naps throughout the day; but they only last 15 minutes at best.

*Picture Time*


1st Cold...

Since our holiday travels, we have all be battling some sickness or another. First concern for me was I may be pregnant again given the symptoms, but that was quickly ruled out. Then I thought it was stress-related given the circumstances. It seemed to get a bit better once we got home, but I'm not fully over it...so I am not sure what I am battling.

As for Husby & B, they both have some sort of cold....complete with the runny nose. So far we are surviving, but I hope it gets better soon. We have gotten more of the Vicks plug-ins and started using them last night. B woke up around 3 this morning sounding really congested and nose all runny. He was able to be cuddled back to sleep, and actually drifted fully out in his swing, but it was definitely a slight battle. Husby slept through the 3am wake-up, but that's ok since he is not feeling well.

Tomorrow night, Husby & I are doing the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition build here. Here are the details on the build and the awesome family that was chosen: Extreme Makeover-Space Coast.

I will definitely post more when things settle down a bit. Back to caring for sick baby.


Presenting: Brantley

So today, Brantley rolled over and over and over...he is able to roll from his tummy to his back.

Then, he decided to do some other movement/pushing up on his legs while in his crib...


Christmas at Greene Life

Sorry for such a late post about Christmas. We have been travelling since Dec. 22nd and got home to our house yesterday evening. Here is a photo recap of our last few weeks:

 Napping with Great-grandma

My Grandma Shirt

Exersaucer (early Xmas gift from Mommy & Daddy)

Opening his 1st Christmas Present

Meeting Auntie Megan

Meet n Greet (meeting Mommy's childhood friends)

Eating Carrots

 Christmas Eve (outfit courtesy of A & C)

 Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning lounging by the tree 

Christmas Outfit

 Jumparoo at Grandma's in SC
Penguin Hat!
Getting ready for 1st snowfall

1st Snow

 Dressing up for Family Pictures


Family Photo

Sleeping during the Reception

  Hanging with Grandpa J

 Meeting Trinity in Pcola (She's 3 weeks younger than me)

 New Year's Eve (being the Naked New Year's Baby with Grandma)

Eating Sweet Taters

 Hanging with Uncle Cody

As you can see, it has been a very busy vacation. Unfortunately, it will be a busy week in the Greene Manor since we are playing catch up on stuff we missed due to being away for the holidays, Mommy doing after-Christmas shopping today and tomorrow, catch-up on house chores and preparing to go back to work (Daddy today; Mommy next Wednesday). As you can see, I (Brantley) have been eating solid foods, so Mommy also must start making baby food for me. Thankfully Grandma vS gave her some great cookbooks (the pictures make me drool).

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy will be volunteering their time from 8pm til 2am to participate in the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition build somewhere here in the area. I volunteered to come as well, but Mommy and Daddy told me I need to instead go to bed at their friend's house since I am too little to be a builder just yet. They said maybe next time, so in the meantime I am asking for my own set of tools so I can be prepared for the next build.


Jumparoo 2

Brantley plays in the Jumparoo

Brantley eating Sweet Potato puree

Baby Gear Review (0-3 months)

We were very thankful for our families desire to throw us a baby shower and for helping us prepare for Brantley's arrival. I knew there was a ton of stuff necessary for the baby, but it definitely was an eye opener as to what we really needed and what was a luxury.

At the hospital:

sleep gowns- ****

The day after delivery, it felt great to take a shower and then put something familiar to me on. I honestly had found a few cheap ones on sale at Macy's, but they were pretty simple strappy dresses which worked great for all the nurse/doctor checks and the breastfeeding.

Aveeno breast pads (cloth washable)- *****

I cannot say enough about these. They were thin enough that they were discreet in all of my clothes and super absorbent that I really never had a leak problem.

Medela Pump in Style *****

Since B had problems latching, I had to start pumping to get my supply in and to get him my milk. In the hospital they gave me a Symphony to start with and it was good, but the PIS was much, much better. Husby even fashioned me a hands-free band out of an old strapless bra, so that was a total blessing. Since it was a double pump, the amount of time pumping was reduced.

Our hospital provided us with so much great stuff. I highly recommend you take advantage of all the "goodies" they give you. Each time they ask if you need anything, ask for a little of everything you like or are using. When we left the hospital, we had a ton of diapers, disposable burp rags, baby wipes, formula, we couldn't believe it. They sent me home with a bunch of medicine, packages of Tucks pads, mesh panties and pads, I didn't have to worry about a thing. You may think you do not need the cooling/numbing spray, but I highly suggest you take it if they offer it to you.

Baby Gear (at home):

Baby Trend Car Seat- *****

High safety rating for a car seat and very easy way to install it into the truck and Civic. Also super easy to clean and wash.

Baby Trend Jogging Stroller- *****

Love it! Enough said...especially since it has real bike tires.

Baby Trend Snap-n-Go Stroller- *****

Price was great, and it definitely is an awesome lightweight stroller.

Fisher Price Whale Tub with Sling-****

Brantley loves the bath sling and bathtime. The sling is great since it submerges him in the water slightly, but worked great when we wasn't allowed to be in the water with his umbilical stump.

Brantley has loved this thing since he was 8 weeks. It is a great seat to place him in and feed him, as well as, letting him learn to sit up.

Fisher Price Glider n Swing- *****
Definitely part of our routine to entertain Brantley throughout the day. I love that it is adjustable and can be converted to both a glider and a swing. In addition, the angle of the swing can be adjusted, which is nice sing Brantley likes to lay in it sometimes, and other times he likes to be propped all the way up so he can look around.

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Bouncer- ****

Another necessary item in the rotation...

Seven Slings- ***

Thankfully I only paid shipping and handling for this or else I would be dissappointed in it. It worked great for the wedding we went to at 4 weeks and a few other occasions around town and around the house.

Infantino Baby Carrier- ****

We really do not use baby carriers a lot, but this one was pretty good for the price. We have the 5-in-1 carrier and it is quite useful.

Infantino Surfboard Playmat- ***

He really has not played with this too much. We do tummy time and he seems to get bored with it rather quickly. I enjoy laying on floor beside him and playing with him, but we also have the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Gym, which he seems to like better.

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Activity Gym- *****

Definitely loves this! He will lay on his back and bat at the toys above him or try to kick the ball. This is probably one of the only ways he will lay on his back, since he now won't even sleep on his back.

Fisher Price Jumparoo- *****

We found this on our travels to SC since Brantley was starting to get quite active. It was at a OUAC there in SC and the price was a steal. He absolutely loves it, even though we currently place a Wii board or large book underneath it for him to stand.

Evenflo Exersaucer- *****

At first, Husby was not sold on this, but it has worked out great. He is finally accustomed to it and loves to interact with the toys and bounce around. He also loves when someone stands and talks to him in this.


New Year & Resolutions

I have been so stressed about stuff lately, that I really have not put a lot of thought into what my goals for the new year would be. Last year included carrying our baby to full-term and delivering a healthy baby, finishing graduate school, and continuing to work on communication issues in our relationship (Husby & I). We worked on communication issues and listening better to one another; at times we have reverted back to our "old" selves, but we have made improvements and continue to hold one another to be being better people. We are 2 individual people and obviously both quite opinionated and think alike most of the times, but when we do not think alike, we both stick to our opinions. Eventually we work it out, but it sometimes takes time for one to convince the other their opinion is right/wrong. Because it is not completely corrected, I am going to incorporate this goal into this year's goals.

2011 Goals:

1. Continue to work on communicating better with Husby and less bottling up my thoughts or feelings.

2. Lose the weight and feel better about my body image (after all, everyone cannot be supermodel thin).

3. Capture as many Brantley moments as we can.

4. Continue the "random act of kindness" pledge

5. Get back into reading for fun...try to read 2-3 books each month

6. and by far the hardest one of all...try to quit sweating the small stuff and letting certain people and their actions bother me or get under my skin.

This final goal is going to be quite the challenge for me this year, especially given the circumstances that are ongoing currently and will be in the future. I guess I can say I have never been one for slackers or those who do not take responsibility for their actions. Growing up is hard to do, and so is being independent of one's parents, but there comes a time in every young person's life that, that notion becomes a reality. In these last few weeks, I also learned I do not deal well with people who enable slacker behavior from others. I have always been a straightforward person, and this definitely is a flaw since I speak (or blog) my mind. At any rate, I have decided to just cut my interaction with both types of people (slackers and enablers) until both realize what they are doing or not doing.

It also has come to my attention how someone has undermined some relationships in Husby and my lives. Thankfully with the help of some other people, it can be mended, but some damage is done and I am even more pissed at this person who is trying to drive a wedge in an important relationship (not to say I was not already pissed at this person, just now even more).

And because of both of these issues, I feel there may be consequences which may affect my family in the coming months. I have never unliked traveling to certain places before as much as I did this holiday season and it has become more evident what the root of the issue is. If things do not get mended or remediated soon, I have a bad feeling we will not be making travel plans like we have in the past and that is truly unfortunate given it will have a large effect on our child and family in the long run. I guess I will be the b-word in the room, but I will not endure the stress I have been under lately, nor will I put my family in harm's way...which may result in my son not seeing some of his family. Truly horrible, but it may be the last straw on the camel's back to get some people to realize the situation here is not good.


So stressed out...wish things were different, but unfortunately it probably will not be so. I have decided to move this blog to private for only certain people to read since my posts are mainly now private matters.