
New Year & Resolutions

I have been so stressed about stuff lately, that I really have not put a lot of thought into what my goals for the new year would be. Last year included carrying our baby to full-term and delivering a healthy baby, finishing graduate school, and continuing to work on communication issues in our relationship (Husby & I). We worked on communication issues and listening better to one another; at times we have reverted back to our "old" selves, but we have made improvements and continue to hold one another to be being better people. We are 2 individual people and obviously both quite opinionated and think alike most of the times, but when we do not think alike, we both stick to our opinions. Eventually we work it out, but it sometimes takes time for one to convince the other their opinion is right/wrong. Because it is not completely corrected, I am going to incorporate this goal into this year's goals.

2011 Goals:

1. Continue to work on communicating better with Husby and less bottling up my thoughts or feelings.

2. Lose the weight and feel better about my body image (after all, everyone cannot be supermodel thin).

3. Capture as many Brantley moments as we can.

4. Continue the "random act of kindness" pledge

5. Get back into reading for fun...try to read 2-3 books each month

6. and by far the hardest one of all...try to quit sweating the small stuff and letting certain people and their actions bother me or get under my skin.

This final goal is going to be quite the challenge for me this year, especially given the circumstances that are ongoing currently and will be in the future. I guess I can say I have never been one for slackers or those who do not take responsibility for their actions. Growing up is hard to do, and so is being independent of one's parents, but there comes a time in every young person's life that, that notion becomes a reality. In these last few weeks, I also learned I do not deal well with people who enable slacker behavior from others. I have always been a straightforward person, and this definitely is a flaw since I speak (or blog) my mind. At any rate, I have decided to just cut my interaction with both types of people (slackers and enablers) until both realize what they are doing or not doing.

It also has come to my attention how someone has undermined some relationships in Husby and my lives. Thankfully with the help of some other people, it can be mended, but some damage is done and I am even more pissed at this person who is trying to drive a wedge in an important relationship (not to say I was not already pissed at this person, just now even more).

And because of both of these issues, I feel there may be consequences which may affect my family in the coming months. I have never unliked traveling to certain places before as much as I did this holiday season and it has become more evident what the root of the issue is. If things do not get mended or remediated soon, I have a bad feeling we will not be making travel plans like we have in the past and that is truly unfortunate given it will have a large effect on our child and family in the long run. I guess I will be the b-word in the room, but I will not endure the stress I have been under lately, nor will I put my family in harm's way...which may result in my son not seeing some of his family. Truly horrible, but it may be the last straw on the camel's back to get some people to realize the situation here is not good.

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