
1st Cold...

Since our holiday travels, we have all be battling some sickness or another. First concern for me was I may be pregnant again given the symptoms, but that was quickly ruled out. Then I thought it was stress-related given the circumstances. It seemed to get a bit better once we got home, but I'm not fully over it...so I am not sure what I am battling.

As for Husby & B, they both have some sort of cold....complete with the runny nose. So far we are surviving, but I hope it gets better soon. We have gotten more of the Vicks plug-ins and started using them last night. B woke up around 3 this morning sounding really congested and nose all runny. He was able to be cuddled back to sleep, and actually drifted fully out in his swing, but it was definitely a slight battle. Husby slept through the 3am wake-up, but that's ok since he is not feeling well.

Tomorrow night, Husby & I are doing the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition build here. Here are the details on the build and the awesome family that was chosen: Extreme Makeover-Space Coast.

I will definitely post more when things settle down a bit. Back to caring for sick baby.

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