
Weekend Plans---Impromptu Cooking & Baking & Football

Since the weather is less than stellar and I am still not feeling well...we are having a quiet, home day. This morning Husby had coaching so we all went; including our Little Lion. They had a little Halloween party, so we had some sweet treats after coaching and then headed to BJs & Publix to run errands.

After seeing a yummy recipe at Publix last night, Husby decided we would do that for lunch. So lunch today is Chicken Tender Bake (Chicken, mashed potatoes and sweet corn), while we watch some Gators Football. If the weather clears up and it is not too wet or chilly, we are planning to do the Halloween event at the zoo; "Boo at the Zoo". In the meantime, I am laying on the couch watching, Casper, Husby is carving our pumpkin, and B is napping. Depending how I feel, I was going to make an Apple Streudel Pizza later tonight and tomorrow make a pot of the Hearty Veggie Stew for weekly meals and tomorrow night's dinner.

Tomorrow, is food shopping and menu planning, as well as, league. Hoping tomorrow is a better day then today. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween weekend!!!

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