
Grad School...again

So I was going to take some time and let Husby get his Master's done, but since he is now halfway through and I am feeling the pressure to get my Biology credentials completed, I applied to University of Maryland-College Park to pursue a Master's of Science in Chemical & Life Science (with an emphasis in Biology). Thankfully the program is predominantly online, except for the necessary laboratory experience (which I might have previously fulfilled between my undergrad work and my post-undergrad work at the Medical Entomology lab) and the scholarly paper (again may previously been fulfilled). It is a 30 credit program, so probably another 2 years down the road. Between the economy and the poor job market and sadly the deterioration of the Higher Education system here, I figure I might as well get ahead of the curve as soon as I can.

Stay tuned on updates as I hear if I have been officially accepted, and as we journey down this road with both of us in school. Thankfully my Spring schedule is super flexible and we have an awesome sitter now, so I should have time to concentrate on schoolwork and gradwork at work (and at home on some days B goes to the sitter "early").

And not that I want to lean too heavily on Husby's sister, but she will be moving this way in another month. She, too, will also be going to school, but I guess if Husby & I get in a pinch, she may be able to take B for a few. She would be the last option since I do not want her to feel we are using her for childcare, but I also think we will be able to handle B and our work (especially if I continue to keep my week open for homework).

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