

*Week 24*
Baby's Length: 8-8.5 in.
Baby's Weight: 1.25 - 1.5 lb.
Baby's Size: 1/2 Gallon of Milk

You, Your Baby & The Umbilical Cord
Your baby has now developed his sense of balance, so he can tell which way is up inside your belly. (The inner ears control this skill, and as of this week they're fully formed.) There's still enough room in there for him to easily flip around, tethered by the umbilical cord. The cord, by the way, is pretty darn amazing. It contains two arteries and one large vein and is quite long -- by birth, up to four feet long! Every 30 seconds, nutrients and oxygen-rich blood travel from the placenta to the fetus through the single large vein. Then the blood returns to the placenta through the two arteries. It's an ingenious system that ensures the baby gets what he needs while keeping your blood separate from his.

All About Gestational Diabetes Testing
Sometime in your second trimester (usually between 24 and 28 weeks), your doctor will probably screen you for gestational diabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels in your bloodstream are higher than usual. The disease rarely has symptoms, so it's important to get tested, especially if regular diabetes runs in your family or if you were overweight before you became pregnant. Most women with gestational diabetes deliver completely healthy babies; the main risks are high birth weight and increased odds of your child developing obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life. If it turns out that you do have gestational diabetes, don't panic. First of all, the condition usually will go away after delivery (your hormone levels re-adjust, and your blood sugar levels typically return to normal). And it's great that you found out now, because gestational diabetes can often be controlled or reversed with simple lifestyle changes, like eating healthy, including cutting back on refined carbohydrates (pasta and white bread), and getting more exercise.

The Weekly 20 (Week 24-June 8th, 2010)
The Bump: Is beginning to get in the way, but still measuring great.
2. Total Weight Gain/Loss: I started back to the gym, so hopefully this will plateau out now.
3. Maternity Clothes: Definitely. Mainly skirts, shorts, and dress pants. I am able to wear all my PINK yoga pants and most of my dresses and skirts still. Some tops are getting a bit tight around the belly.
Stretch Marks: None on the belly 
5. Sleep: I am having trouble getting comfortable and falling asleep at first, but once I am asleep I am sleeping through the night without too much problems.
6. Movement: Movement has been sporadic and more fluttering, with the occasional kick. Given my anterior placenta, Hubby is still unable to feel the baby kicks.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Still craving peanut butter like mad, but I have always loved PB, so not really a craving. Due to the heartburn, I want milk and milkshakes always!
Gender: It's a boy!
Belly button in or out: It's still in, but getting flatter lately.
What I miss: I could really go for a fruity cocktail about now.
11. What I am looking forward to: Just another week of summer school and then I have the summer off to rest and work on improving the house. July 4th weekend in Pcola visiting family.12. Weekly Wisdom: OB told me my leg pain may be due to swelling, so laying off the salt as much as possible.
13. Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at the OB's office.
Number of days you wore the same piece of clothing in a row? 0...it has become increasingly hotter here, so I am always changing clothes since I am sweating a lot more.15. Energy Level: Moderate, but getting more due to working out again.

16. Labor Signs: None.
17. Daddy to be Status: After being away on a business trip, he came home and was really helpful in completing projects with me for the nursery (pillow, mobiles, window shade). He has started on constructing his Gators diaper bag, so that is exciting. He has his bowling tourney this weekend, so it will be a mini-babymoon away from the pups for a night.
18. Milestones: Officially hit V-Day....or 60% as the OB says.
19. Symptoms: Bad heartburn, numbness/burning sensation in my leg, flutters in my tummy occasionally, and feeling wide awake at bedtime.
20. Next OB appointment: June 16th for GD testing and then June 28th with the NP/LC (3-week check appointment).

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