

Since today is my last official day of teaching until mid-August, I figured I should address the nesting factor as that is sure to creep upon me soon. Owning your own home really makes the nesting factor worse, at least for me. Thankfully, Husby has agreed to pitch in when he is home with the cleaning, organizing and what not (especially since I probably should not be going all cleaning gung-ho). I plan to do a little cleaning/organizing each day during the day while Husby is at work along with my grad homework starting end of July, but the list is ever growing. I am a huge list organizer and it helps for me to see a list so I can note my completion.

Look for the list is a future post....but be warned...it will be very long and very detailed and super OCD. Hopefully the house will stay clean for a bit with all the visitors that will be coming after Baby G comes home and with Husby and the trio. I am also being throrough on cleaning since I know that will become a second thought to Baby G once he arrives.

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