
18 week Survey

Survey Time!
How far along?: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 15 lbs (going off pre-Clomid weight)
How big is baby?: The size of a Sweet Potato!
Maternity clothes?: Yep! Maternity pants, shorts, capris, skirts and some of my looser skirts and capris and my PINK yoga pants
Stretch marks?: I have not yet noticed any...but I am keeping up with my Palmer's Cocoa Butter to make sure.
Sleep?: It comes in fits. I have only had to get up once per a night for a bathroom break, but I keep rolling and waking up uncomfortable. Thankfully, I am on a reduced work schedule now, so I can squeeze naps in sometimes.
Best moment this week?: Feeling movement, but still not 100% sure, and getting over this stupid cold/sinus infection.
Movement?: Yes, light flutters.
Labor signs?: No, thankfully...keep those away for a long time.
Belly button in or out?: Still Innie, but getting shallower :(
What I miss: Being able to fit into some of my clothes, eating certain foods
What I'm looking forward to: Bowling finals on Sunday, Anatomy ultrasound on Tuesday, driving to see my mom for a long weekend on Thursday, seeing some friends next weekend and getting free time to express my creativeness.
Milestone: Making it another week without any major complications and feeling good!

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