
New Term

Well it's back to the school grindstone, except this time I am taking two courses at once. This term and next term will be my doubling terms, that way I can graduate soon after Baby G arrives. This term is Research Methods and Adult Learners. So far, things are good, but I can definitely see this getting difficult as the term progresses. I also have picked up two more classes for the remainder of the semester by substituting 2 classes on Mondays. There are only three more weeks after this course and thankfully next week is Spring Break. This term's students have been quite a bunch. They are absolutely horrible in terms of preparing for their exams and labs, and then their excuses for why this miss lab class, do horrible on their exams, and so on. My department chair has nicknamed them the "privileged" class as they feel they are entitled to whatever they want...which includes retaking their exams if they do not do well, making up their missed exams (and labs) whenever they want, and that all exams should be curved if the class does not all get 80%'s. We (the faculty) disagree. Hopefully this summer will not be too bad, but I am not feeling very positive about it, so we shall see.Well sorry for the rant, but it was definitely needed. Now back to homework and bed soon.

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