

So the whole pregnancy is beginning to sink in. I hope it is not all in vain, but my first ultrasound will be Monday (fingers crossed we see the heartbeat and development). Life in general is progressing well. Husby and I have been madly working on the house (some days I wish it was all done, but then I see the final product and am happy). We moved the office out of the bedroom across from the Master bedroom and to the back Florida room since that was unutilized space. Now we have that bedroom to convert to the baby's room. We pretty much have an idea of what we want in terms of furniture and we have our theme picked out. Hopefully we will be able to make it all work, but that is not a current project. After he finishes sanding and staining the desk, it will get installed and the remainder of the sewing/craft stuff will get evicted from the bedroom and the office area will be completed. Then it's the guest bathroom and Husby's idea of painting, blacksplash tiling and some minor cosmetic repairs to the room. After that is the baby's room and the kitchen probably close to the same time...depending on how much of a discount a friend of ours can get us on kitchen cabinets. We shall see since finances is important at this point. I sortof hope the kitchen gets done before the baby comes so we do not have a disaster with a newborn, but who knows. I also need the kitchen redone so I have cabinet and counter space....dreaming of my pantry cabinet/closet!

Since we may have a new arrival in the household, I started fully investigating my degree plan. I am halfway through and am going to start doubling up on my courses so I can (fingers crossed) have just one class (and be about halfway through) around my EDD. If I choose to walk, graduation is in Miami around Feb. 5th, 2011. So excited, although not sure I will want to do the whole graduation thing again, but once again we shall see.

1 comment:

MrsScubaSteve said...

Home renovations suck!!! So worth it, but they are draining. Try to take it easy right now... and just relish in the little life that's growing. It will all get done, it always does. AND I WOULD WALK! Are you kidding me, its your masters degree! Its a huge accomplishment, don't kid yourself.