
New Year's Resolutions

I am not a big fan or follower of making New Year's Resolutions, but I hope in this next year a lot of things begin to fall into place. We are working on my home improvements and hopefully we will get through all of them, but especially the guest bathroom remodel, the back office renovations and finish hanging all the trim. I came home to a surprise last night. Husby decided he was going to make these half moon to help divide the living room and the hallway and also between the kitchen and the back room. It looks good, except it is currently Styrofoam, but it'll look good at the end. We already got rid of the "window" that was between the kitchen and backroom and I decided we will probably paint that wall in the backroom a lighter blue to give the room some more calming feel (especially since that will become my office once we start a family). Things around the house are coming together well. I wish we could get the kitchen fully remodeled this year, but I am not sure it will be possible, but still it is my goal.

I also hope to get back into my working out groove and drop some pounds. We already started eating healthier...more salads, less McDonald's, and I think I may start pushing myself to go back to jogging as early as this weekend, but it all depends on the shoulder. With healthier eating, I have been religiously taking all my prenatal vitamins and hoping with the C. we will also start our family this year. Lastly, I am goaled to finish my Master's this year as well...hopefully in the Fall, but maybe a bit sooner depending on my schedule.

We have a lot of goals and dreams this year. Hopefully 2010 is better than 2009!

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