
Thanksgiving Day Menu

Pepperoni & Mozzarella Wrap Snack bites
Cheese & Crackers

Main Dish:
Deep-fried Turkey (Southern Style)
Cornbread Stuffing
Sweet Potato Casserole
Mashed Red Potatoes
Heinz Gravy (no more homemade gravy after last time's drama)
Homestyle dinner biscuits
Jellied Cranberry Sauce
Green Bean Casserole

Home-made Pumpkin Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream
Green Fruit Salad

*This menu of course does not include anything our European guests bring to dinner, so there will probably be additions. They are currently visiting their families back home (England), and said they would try to bring somethings back from Europe to share (and us to experience), as well as, possibly cook a dish or something.*

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