
Busy Bee

This is a somewhat hectic week for me with all that is going on, and I really need to conquer some things around the home and in my life. Greene is traveling for work until Wednesday. Thankfully, we did laundry, changed linens, did the dishes, and even vacuumed and straightened up a bit this weekend. *Note: We have a gazillion clothes and therefore only do laundry every other week, and to be all honest the dishwasher gets run approximately 2x a week since it is only the 2 of us and most times the 2nd wash is pans and it's only 1/2 full.* In terms of our house cleaning schedule, I am notorious for straightening up behind Greene as he leaves things around, but for the most part we "clean as we go". *Thank you God I have a husband who understands the meaning of a clean home and picks up for himself (for the most part).*

My Schedule for Tonight:

* Trip to Michael's Craft Store (look for some extra pieces for the Halloween village)
* Redo the Recipe Cards and catch up on the stack of recent recipes
* Watch my "girly" shows
* Work on the Christmas applique kits

Later this Week:
* Higher Education Finance class starts (Wednesday evening)
* Grade exams (Friday & Weekend)
* Relax and POGO (my evening escape)

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