
Baby Book Ideas

I am starting to pull some pictures of  B from the past year and a half
to work on a digital book....ideas below

The cleaning and scrubbing
will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up,
as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs.
Dust, go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
  • Presentation
  • Title Page, "The Arrival"
  • Table of Contents
  • This is a Record of the Life of:
  • "The Stork Came Stalking" by Eugene Field
  • Announcement
  • Shower Invitations and Birth Announcements
  • Letters and Telegrams
  • Footprints and Handprints
  • Baby's Weight
  • Baby's Presents
  • Baby's First Photographs
  • "Star Song" by Robert Herrick
  • Baby's First Outing
  • "The Bottle Tree" by Eugene Field
  • Baby's First Doll
  • Baby's Bath
  • Baby's Name
  • Photographs
  • First Short Clothes
  • "Googly-Goo" by Eugene Field
  • Baby's First Tooth
  • "Love" by Lewis Carroll
  • First Words
  • Locks of Our Baby's Hair
  • First Shoes
  • Photographs
  • Baby's Height
  • First Creeping
  • First Dinner
  • "A Charge" by Eugene Field
  • First Steps
  • First Holiday
  • First New Year
  • First Playmates
  • "Garden and Cradle" by Eugene Field
  • First Journey
  • First Book
  • Photographs
  • First Lesson
  • A Record of Birthdays
  • First Ride
  • First Letter
  • Baby's Writing at various ages
  • Signature at various ages
  • Notes

  • Baby's first photo
  • First glimpse (for sonogram, adoption or belly photo)
  • First thoughts
  • A letter to you
  • Your parents
  • Your family tree
  • Baby Shower
  • Page for copy of birth certificate or birth announcement
  • The day you were born
  • Who visited you
  • Keepsakes envelope
  • Impressions - handprints & footprints
  • Headlines
  • First home
  • Getting you home
  • A celebration for you
  • Early firsts
  • Mealtime
  • Playtime
  • Bathtime
  • Bedtime
  • Holidays and special days
  • Growing up
  • Health
  • First birthday
  • More firsts
  • Getting to know you
  • First time on a plane, train, bicycle, etc.
  • Your first vacation
  • Years ahead
  • Preschool
  • Kindergarten
  • School notes
  • Notes pages
  • Blank pages for pictures, etc.

In most standard baby books they ask you questions about the pregnancy like:
Due Date
First time you felt baby kick
How you felt seeing them in the ultrasound the first time
How you felt hearing the heart beat for the first time
What you craved

Baby Shower:
Date and time
Who gave it
(copy of invite)

The Delivery:
What Time and How you went into labour
Who was there
How long did it last

The Birth:
Weight of Baby
Length of Baby
Full Name
eye color
Hair or No Hair and what color
(Copy of birth certificate)
(Hospital Picture)

In the Hospital:
First Visitors
Gifts Recieved
Shots and Tests given

First Week Home:

(like dedication at church or an infant babtisim)

Milestones of the first year:
first laugh
first smile
slept through the night
first rice cereal
first tooth
first babysitter
first word
first time sitting up
rolled over
(and on an on)

First Birthday:
Party Date
Special things you did

Major 2010 events

So I want to add a page in my LO's scrapbook about major events that happened in the world in the year he was born.
The list so far:
* Haiti Earthquake
* BP oil spill
* Winter Olympics
* Chinese earthquake & subsequent tsunami
* US Healthcare reform
* US advances in World Cup
* iPad
* iPhone 4

* Comprehensive List by Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010

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