
And the verdict is in...

The doctor's office finally called me back with the results of the pelvic ultrasound I had this past Tuesday. According to them, everything looks fine...nothing alarming, no growths or anything. However, it does not explain the unexpected/ "breakthrough" bleeding occurring or the immense pain I feel on the left side. They did note that one of the cysts is a follicular cyst and rather large, while the others are smaller and no cause for alarm.

So now, I wait until Nov. 7th for another appointment to discuss my options and I guess for the doctor to convince me to get a D&C. I am still in pain and with the other symptoms, but as Husby says, it's only a week to wait (since according him this week is pretty much over). So I guess, I wait and remain in pain and such until that appointment or unless it all stops on its own. What a lovely thought!

Halloween is next week, with many events/festivities this weekend. I am hoping to feel up to doing some stuff this weekend, but we shall see. Then, next week, Husby's mom and stepdad come for a visit. I am excited to see them, but with how I am feeling, I'm kind of bummed to be feeling miserable (as I do now) with people visiting (especially since we never get to spend time with them/they rarely get to see B-other than pictures). I am not getting my hopes up, but am hoping I feel better for their visit, since we do not have plans to see them through the holidays...unless they make it up to Michigan for the family wedding around New Year's.

In other news, I am still waiting to get my transcripts from Tech and waiting to hear back from UMD-CP if I got into the program....slight nerves!

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