
Brantley's Developments (2 months)

At Brantley's 2 month check-up appointment on 11/29, he weighed 11lbs and measured 23 inches. He is beginning to catch up in terms of his growth and finally reached the 25th percentile. He has been able to hold his head up on his own for a bit now (as evident in the photos) and loves sitting upright or supported in his Bumbo chair. He is extremely alert now; tracking our movements and voices as we talk to him while working on stuff around the house.

 The Bumbo chair was a great investment for us, since Brantley fits in it well and loves to sit in there and look around at his surroundings. His recent new favorite thing to do is to stand by having someone hold him up and he stretches his legs out and tries to make steps or shuffles in a direction.
 His hair has finally started to grow in. It is looking like a reddish-blonde color, so time will tell what color he ends up having. Everyone says he looks just like mem

 Last night, Brantley decided it was time to show another new trick. Lately, he has been moving himself in his crib throughout the night. He refuses to sleep on his back, so we have been giving in lately and letting him lie on his stomach since he lays with his head to the side always. Last night, I laid him on his belly in his bed and he promptly readjusted himself. He quickly pulled his elbow in underneath his body and pushed himself up on them. He then proceeded to look at the mobile in front of him on the crib as it played music and the light flickered with the projections on the ceiling. He stayed propped up like this, with his head held up for about 10-15 minutes and seemed to be enjoying the view. He was starting to pull his legs in under his body to prop himself on his knees, but then he grew tired (I guess) and laid back down in his crib.

Dad has also started teaching him tricks, or should I say, bad habits. This is of B sticking his tongue out. He is quite smart and mimics Husby at first, but after doing it with him a few times, he will stick his tongue out on his own accord. Typically, he sticks his tongue out whenever Husby turns his head/focus away from him. It is quite cute...but I hope he does not think this is acceptable (especially when we start solids in a few more weeks).

Great-grandparents (Husby's grandparents) are visiting for the holidays and enjoying their visit with B. Here B is showing Grandma how he likes to be held up so he can practice standing.

All in all, B is doing great. He is still having some issues with pooping, but we are hoping to get that worked out soon enough. We should be really starting solids in the next few weeks. First up is rice cereal, followed by carrots, sweet potatoes and squash (in somewhat of that order). I will have to get photos of this mess, er experiment of foods, as I am sure it will be photo-worthy.

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