
Ramblings of a preggo at midnight...

With the countdown now getting to the low 60's, the reality of it all is beginning to set in. We still have a lot of things to make, purchase, or find for the nursery and Baby G. Thankfully, I have some really awesome, wise friends to turn to for advice, but my list of things to choose from is still pretty large. Lately, if I am not working on my Grad work and researching for those papers/discussions/etc., I am researching baby stuff. My list of things to research, you ask...well here it is...

Breast Pump: Medela Pump in Style Advanced or Medela Freestyle or another brand?
Numerous of my "bumpies" (and our lactation consultant) recommend the PISA and this is our first choice, but I like the hands-free ability of some of the other models. Our insurance covers it, so cost is not a major deal-breaker.
Guess I will just have to research which one I can get from the pharmacy and go from there.

Cloth Diapers:
I am not even sure where to begin on this tab since there are so many brands and everyone loves a different one. I think we will pick up a few different types and experiment to figure out which ones we like best...most likely we will stick with some AIO's, and insert liner type to make changes easier, but we shall see. I picked up some Gerber pre-folds to have on hand already and will fill in with the rest of the fluff in a few weeks.

Diaper Pail: Arm & Hammer Pail or Baby Trend Diaper Champ?
We are hybrid diapering for convenience, so we will still need a diaper pail for the disposables. Both are highly recommended, and can use their bags or even just regular trash bags...so which one to choose?

Activity Gym/ Tummy Time Mat: Fisher Price Ocean Wonders, Fisher Price Precious Planet, Infantino Tummy Time Surf Mat....
I think because we are both surf/beach nuts, we will go with the FP Ocean Wonders gym and the Tummy Time mat surfboard...but are there any other better versions?
Baby Carrier: BabyBjorn or Lillebaby
We are planning to get a sling for the beginning and then move to a more orthopedic carrier as well, but which is the best? Again depends on the person....as I think we like the Lillebaby the best and the Moby wrap the best (at least this week) ;)

Umbrella Stroller: Maclaren, Amycoe, First Years, Especially for Baby
I like the First Years the best, Husby likes the Especially for Baby one...and everyone recommends the other ones....which to choose? LOL

Bottles: Dr. Brown's, Playtex Ventaire, TommyTippee, etc.
Yea, so just like the cloth diapers, we are probably going to buy a starter pack of bottles of various brands and find out which ones work best...although I am pretty sure we will be siding with Dr. Brown's since everyone swears by them, but we shall see what Baby G likes.

So many choices.  If someone reads this and has more advice that may sway us, please, please, please feel free to leave a comment with your recommendations. It will definitely come down to the wire as to which to choose and your input may be helpful in choosing since we are not very picky. Guess when we do our next BRU trip in Otown, we will narrow and make our selections, but that still leaves me a week and half to change my mind 500 times...
At least we have finalized we are hybrid diapering (cloth and disposables), hybrid feeding (breast milk, supplemented with formula when needed, as well as, making our own solid foods and only occasionally using prepared foods), and I get to keep my part-time work schedule of teaching (aka hybrid mommying). And Baby G is sleeping in the PacknPlay basinnet in our room for the first few weeks and then transferring to his own crib due to its location.

Now, if we could decide on a name and finish organizing and preparing for Baby G's arrival, this preggo could sleep a little easier. The early contractions are definitely becoming more apparent, so our next appointment should be quite interesting, especially since we will be 32/33 weeks then.

Time is definitely flying by. Tonight we did our hospital tour and got some questions answered. I <3 our hospital since we will have a private L& D room with an unlimited visitor amount and a private recovery/post-partum room. Plus, the views are decent since it is the top floor of the hospital and the rules are tolerable. I can get a shower during labor, use water therapy, use a birthing ball and have music and watch movies throughout. I also was excited to hear I can have popsicles and maybe some other icy type things (depends on the OB), and Sonic is literally 2.5 minutes from the hospital (and opened late). Husby was happy to hear we have wireless and he can pop over to the gym since it is next door and the chairs are pull-out couches (although we hear not the comfiest) so he can hangout with my throughout. Baby G will be rooming with us and whenever he has somewhere to go, Husby is allowed to go with him, so that was a bit more reassuring.

The rest of this week is pretty quiet. I am hoping to get ahead on my next week's worth of assignments and write my second courses' project this week, since after this weekend it will be busy, busy, busy. Sunday starts our 5-week Childbrith classes (hope we get to graduate!), Monday Husby has another business trip (until Wednesday afternoon) and I have a Dr. Appt., Wednesday evening Husby's family arrives, Thursday is fishing, Friday we are lobster fishing and diving (well the boys are, Mom and I will probably just relax on the beach). Saturday we send the in-laws on their way to visit Husby's sister, then we go to Otown to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins, Chinese buffet and relaxing visit, then some BRU shopping, and then dinner and visit with my "sisters". Sunday is another class and maybe some bowling since league starts up again soon. Following Tuesday is our meeting with the Anesthesiologist (yes I am ok with some pain medicine and medical intervention). The rest of that week is the "calm before the storm" since the following week I go back to teaching and start my final grad class. Husby also starts Grad School within those 2 weeks (Thankfully his company is cover the tuition cost, but still we will have 2 whole months of overlap of Grad school and likely a baby in those 2 months). Labor Day weekend my mom visits and the rest of September is wait and see and keep teaching to keep busy. If my blogging gets sparse, at least you have a warning why, LOL. So much to think about and do in the next 60 days...hopefully it makes the time move by smoothly yet quickly.

1 comment:

StephanieHerndon said...

My comment is too long to be accepted here, so I'm going to Facebook message you. :)