
Week 23 Survey....

The Weekly 20 (Week 23-June 2nd, 2010)
The Bump: Is a solid basketball.
2. Total Weight Gain/Loss: I must admit I have not been keeping track, but we are definitely up since January. My gain has not been tremendous and is only concentrated on my belly and so things are going well. Both the nurses (LC, MW and PA) and the OB say things look good.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely. Mainly skirts, shorts, and dress pants. I am able to wear all my PINK yoga pants and most of my dresses and skirts still. Some tops are getting a bit tight around the belly.
Stretch Marks: None on the belly and no new ones on my boobs or hips/thighs since my teenage years (those are my battle scars to growing up)
Sleep: Since Hubby is away it will be in fits the next 2 nights, but lately it has been ok. It takes me a bit to fall asleep and get comfortable, but am still able to sleep through the night.
Movement: Movement has been sporadic and more fluttering, with the occasional kick. Given my anterior placenta, Hubby is still unable to feel the baby kicks.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Still craving peanut butter like mad, but I have always loved PB, so not really a craving. Due to the heartburn, I want milk and milkshakes always!
Gender: It's a boy!
Belly button in or out: It's still in, but getting flatter lately.
What I miss: Fitting into my jeans, eating food without thinking about the consequences (HB or having to avoid something due to it not being healthy for LO).
What I am looking forward to: Taking our baby classes in July and August, working on and completing all the nursery projects and other crafts we have planned in our spare time.
12. Weekly Wisdom: "Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you will still be among the stars"13. Best moment this week: Finding a bunch of the fabric for the rocking chair pads and the organizer and all the other patterns on sale at Joann's.
Number of days you wore the same piece of clothing in a row? Just 2 days due to having to return to the tourney.
15. Energy Level: Moderate
16. Labor Signs: May have felt a BH contraction this weekend, but not really sure.
17. Daddy to be Status: He is beginning to get antsy to work on projects for the nursery. He decided he wants his own diaper bag (I completely agree!) and so we found a pattern and he will make himself a UF Gators one and I will work on all the accessories to match (plus a lot of other cool things for LO and the nursery).
18. Milestones: Depending on which counter we are following...the calendar says I am starting Week 24, the tickers all say "23 weeks and 5 days"....so we are reaching V Day.
19. Symptoms: Bad heartburn almost always it seems and the occasional burning sensation/numbness in the left leg.
20. Next OB appointment: June 7th (Monday!)--we are in the 3-week period now. :)

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