

So we had another OB appointment this past week. Everything is going good...baby G is doing well still...we had another doppler and heard the heartbeat again. It was in the 130-140 range, so nice and strong. I also had the normal tests and they took more blood for a Pentas test. Our next ultrasound is scheduled for the week before we go to my mom's for Mother's Day (2 weeks away) and hopefully Baby G cooperates and we can determine the sex. We plan to announce the pregnancy and the baby's sex on Mother's Day, so it should be interesting.

In non-baby news, teaching is through for 2 weeks.I gave final exams this past week and now have 2 weeks off before coming back to teach 6 LONG weeks of Summer 1 session. After that I am done! (well until the Fall as long as things go as planned). We are also working on setting up all our Baby classes for during the summer, so that should be interesting, although Hubby is super uninterested in that all.

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