
Bed Makeover

So have I ever mentioned that Husby is the sewing one in the group? Well, he finished making curtains for our poster bed. He handmade the curtains from some fabric we liked and then made the loops and buttons and wraps from some materials we found at our local craft store, Joann's.

The bed
It is amazing what a can of paint can do to a bedframe. This was an IKEA special that was originally a canary yellow color, but Husby sanded it down and painted it a dark cherry color to match our bedroom furniture.

Looking in from the Hallway
Picture taken from the opposite corner

The handmade loops and decor buttons
 This was made from black buttons with the multi-color cording wrapped around it

Curtain pullbacks
We fell in love with these buttons, but unfortunately  we could not find enough of them, so we got 4 and used them as curtain pullbacks with the loop on the bedposts.

The bed gets lots of use and must be comfy.
Look at his face!

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