New Term
Well it's back to the school grindstone, except this time I am taking two courses at once. This term and next term will be my doubling terms, that way I can graduate soon after Baby G arrives. This term is Research Methods and Adult Learners. So far, things are good, but I can definitely see this getting difficult as the term progresses. I also have picked up two more classes for the remainder of the semester by substituting 2 classes on Mondays. There are only three more weeks after this course and thankfully next week is Spring Break. This term's students have been quite a bunch. They are absolutely horrible in terms of preparing for their exams and labs, and then their excuses for why this miss lab class, do horrible on their exams, and so on. My department chair has nicknamed them the "privileged" class as they feel they are entitled to whatever they want...which includes retaking their exams if they do not do well, making up their missed exams (and labs) whenever they want, and that all exams should be curved if the class does not all get 80%'s. We (the faculty) disagree. Hopefully this summer will not be too bad, but I am not feeling very positive about it, so we shall see.Well sorry for the rant, but it was definitely needed. Now back to homework and bed soon.
Bring on the 2nd Trimester...
Doing good again this week. No problems or complications to report. The belly is growing more basketball shaped each day. Hubby says I do not look pregnant from the backside, so hopefully this continues. My belly button is beginning to get smaller (at least the indent in it), meaning my belly button may be popping out a lot sooner than I hoped.
Here is this week's info:
Here is this week's info:
End of 1st Trimester
Goodbye First Trimester, we have entered the Second Trimester!
Our next OB is in a few hours. I am excited to hear the heartbeat and maybe see Baby G on the ultrasound.
Our next OB is in a few hours. I am excited to hear the heartbeat and maybe see Baby G on the ultrasound.
baby development,
first trimester,
second trimester
12 weeks!
We are officially 12 weeks through the pregnancy. Other than the recent complication, it has been a great first trimester. I go back to the OB for my next visit on Tuesday next week (3/23). My problem seems to be working itself out. Although, it does not feel like I am going normally, I am at least going (even if it is every 1/2 hour).
Here is our weekly posting on Baby G:
Here is our weekly posting on Baby G:
A bump in the road...
So we have had a hectic weekend and week so far. For the last couple days (Thursday-Saturday), I was waking up with a slight difficulty to urinate. I have always had a shy bladder, so I was really not concerned at best. Typically, I would just get up, get a drink, eat breakfast, and then would be able to go. lSaturday, this started and it took longer for me to go, but finally I was able to. Saturday, we went and did errands, and I had little problems peeing throughout the day. I ended up buying 2 pairs of maternity pants at Motherhood Maternity since my clothes are beginning to get uncomfortable. Then we headed to Orlando and went to Babies R Us for their Baby Registry Open House. We finalized our registry at BRU (and later came home and updated the Target and Walmart ones). Except for the gender specific materials and clothes, we are registered. We looked at cribs once again, and found a small store that sells cribs that were more ideal for us. Turns out I cannot reach into most cribs because my torso is short and my hips site below the rails of most cribs. These cribs by BabyDreams have a 12" safe hinge on the front that allows me to reach in and tocuh the bottom of the crib without any problem, even when the mattress is at its lowest. Afterwards, we met with my aunt, uncle and cousin that we are close to, to tell them the news and meet for dinner. We ate at Tony Roma's and again everything was fine.
Sunday, I woke up and the bladder issue started again. Figuring it would work itself out, I drank fluids and ate breakfast. By noon, I was still unable to go, so after contacting the doctor, it was suggested to go to the hospital and get a catheter inserted to help relieve me. They did that and then ran some urine samples to see if I had an infection and that came back clear and normal. Then they decided to do a pelvic exam and in doing so they scratched me causing me to bleed. With that the doctor than was afraid I was having a miscarriage so they took samples and then inserted a port to get blood samples. Then they sent me for an ultrasound to see how the baby was doing. All my blood work came back fine, and my ultrasound came back fine. The baby now measures 11 weeks, 4 days, and had a strong heartbeat and was moving around and flexing while we were under the ultrasound. Because they could see nothing wrong and determine the cause of my blockage or the bleeding, they sent me home with the catheter. Last night was a horrible experience. I was so uncomfortable and could not sleep or find a position to lay.
This morning, I called the OB and finally got in to see him around 1ish. I was passing fluid fine through the catheter and Foley bag and was not experiencing any pain. He listened to the heartbeat and it once again sounded strong. He then decided to take the catheter out since it was not good to keep it in. After, he wanted to run cultures on my urine samples, so I was instructed to drink some cold water and then give them a sample. We left and headed to leave since I am scheduled for another appointment next week, for my normal checkup and he prescribed an antibiotic to protect me if I do have an infection. We left and headed to lunch downtown (at Off the Traxx), where I drank another class of water to keep flushing things out. I was able to pee at the office and give them a small sample and then I peed again at the restaurant. We then left and headed to the pharmacy to drop my presciption off and then were planning to run errands. As we were leaving the pharmacy to return later, I was feeling uncomfortable so we headed to the house, so I could pee at home. Surprise, surprise...I was yet again blocked. So we called the doctor and back to the office we went. There, they looked baffled, and performed a straight catheter to drain me. Once again I drained alot of fluid out and they decided to schedule me for a meeting with a uroloist to see if they can figure out what is causing this. I was sent home with catheters to do to myself, should I block again or if I am unable to do it, back to the ER we must go. Odds are they think I will be able to do it to myself, especially if I am in pain since I know it will be an hour or two before the ER will catheter me. Hopefully, things will continue to be ok since the catheter they used in the office is more a rigid plastic than the ER catheter which was latex rubber. So far things have been good, I was able to pee on my own earlier this evening and am praying it continues. The nurse at the OB office was going to get me scheduled for a urologist appointment tomorrow morning hopefully, so we can get to the bottom of this. I hope it is either an infection that is going to clear itself up with the antibiotics I am on or it is due to the pressure of my expanding uterus and baby.
This has been a truly trying couple days and fingers crossed it does not continue tonight. Hubby thinks this is the baby's way to mess with me, since it never caused me morning sickness and I think the baby is just being a little stinker causing trouble early on.
Sunday, I woke up and the bladder issue started again. Figuring it would work itself out, I drank fluids and ate breakfast. By noon, I was still unable to go, so after contacting the doctor, it was suggested to go to the hospital and get a catheter inserted to help relieve me. They did that and then ran some urine samples to see if I had an infection and that came back clear and normal. Then they decided to do a pelvic exam and in doing so they scratched me causing me to bleed. With that the doctor than was afraid I was having a miscarriage so they took samples and then inserted a port to get blood samples. Then they sent me for an ultrasound to see how the baby was doing. All my blood work came back fine, and my ultrasound came back fine. The baby now measures 11 weeks, 4 days, and had a strong heartbeat and was moving around and flexing while we were under the ultrasound. Because they could see nothing wrong and determine the cause of my blockage or the bleeding, they sent me home with the catheter. Last night was a horrible experience. I was so uncomfortable and could not sleep or find a position to lay.
This morning, I called the OB and finally got in to see him around 1ish. I was passing fluid fine through the catheter and Foley bag and was not experiencing any pain. He listened to the heartbeat and it once again sounded strong. He then decided to take the catheter out since it was not good to keep it in. After, he wanted to run cultures on my urine samples, so I was instructed to drink some cold water and then give them a sample. We left and headed to leave since I am scheduled for another appointment next week, for my normal checkup and he prescribed an antibiotic to protect me if I do have an infection. We left and headed to lunch downtown (at Off the Traxx), where I drank another class of water to keep flushing things out. I was able to pee at the office and give them a small sample and then I peed again at the restaurant. We then left and headed to the pharmacy to drop my presciption off and then were planning to run errands. As we were leaving the pharmacy to return later, I was feeling uncomfortable so we headed to the house, so I could pee at home. Surprise, surprise...I was yet again blocked. So we called the doctor and back to the office we went. There, they looked baffled, and performed a straight catheter to drain me. Once again I drained alot of fluid out and they decided to schedule me for a meeting with a uroloist to see if they can figure out what is causing this. I was sent home with catheters to do to myself, should I block again or if I am unable to do it, back to the ER we must go. Odds are they think I will be able to do it to myself, especially if I am in pain since I know it will be an hour or two before the ER will catheter me. Hopefully, things will continue to be ok since the catheter they used in the office is more a rigid plastic than the ER catheter which was latex rubber. So far things have been good, I was able to pee on my own earlier this evening and am praying it continues. The nurse at the OB office was going to get me scheduled for a urologist appointment tomorrow morning hopefully, so we can get to the bottom of this. I hope it is either an infection that is going to clear itself up with the antibiotics I am on or it is due to the pressure of my expanding uterus and baby.
This has been a truly trying couple days and fingers crossed it does not continue tonight. Hubby thinks this is the baby's way to mess with me, since it never caused me morning sickness and I think the baby is just being a little stinker causing trouble early on.
Under 200...
We have officially made it under 200 now. Next appointment is in 2 weeks and I cannot wait. This weekend we are telling my close aunt, uncle and cousin about the newest addition, so that should be exciting as well.
Here is an updated Bump shot:
This is Lucky's newest trick:
I think he is confused as to his role as a dog, but while trying to finish my paper, he jumped in and tried to "help".
Have a good weekend all!
Here is an updated Bump shot:
This is Lucky's newest trick:
I think he is confused as to his role as a dog, but while trying to finish my paper, he jumped in and tried to "help".
Have a good weekend all!
A Peek into Me
Since I am stuck home today (and inside due to a brush fire nearby which is making the air outside make me sick & there is ash snow falling around the house), I decided to steal this short survey from another blogger, Mrs.Trophy Wife.
1. What are your middle names?
2. How long have you been together?
We've been together for 4 years and 4 months. We just celebrated 2 years of marital bliss last Monday.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Since our freshman year of college, so approximately 3 years.
4. Who asked who out?
It was definitely a mutual agreement. Not sure either one of us asked the other out.
5. How old are each of you?
Well I'm 26, but Hubby turns 26 in April
6. Did you go to the same school?
The same college, yes.
7. Are you from the same home town?
No. I'm originally from NY and he is originally from IA.
8. Who is the smartest?
I think we are evenly matched. I have my blonde moments, but for the most part I know my stuff.
9. Who majored in what?
He majored in Mechanical Engineering and I double majored in Marine Biology & Aquaculture for our undergrad degrees. I am currently completing my Master's in Higher Education Instruction and hopefully in the next year he will be able to choose a Master's program to start.
10. Who is the most sensitive?
Definitely me, between being pregnant and being a girl. I tend to cry and take things personal often.
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? FL to NY when we were dating and then FL to IA a few times to visit family.
12. Who has the worst temper?
I throw the temper tantrums, but he can lose his control when he is tired or not feeling well.
13. How many children do you want?
I think we are settled on 3, but we will be happy with whatever God decides for us.
14. Who does the cooking?
Mainly, Hubby because I hate to cook and hate the smell of meat cooking. I usually also get home the latest, so he usually makes something while he waits for me to get home. Occasionally I whip something up, but it is rarely a 9-course affair.
15. Who is more social?
Depends, if I am avoiding homework, term papers, grading exams or projects, I am super social and want to get out of the house and do something or hang with our friends. We were both super social throughout college and he definitely is tighter with his friends that live around here since most of mine have moved to other states.
16. Who is the neat freak?
Definitely me. I hate a disaster. I usually let Hubby make his disaster and then I follow behind him and clean it up (he gets mad at me all the time). It is only when I get a real bug in me do I go on a super clean freak cleaning spree.
17. Who is the most stubborn?
We both are super stubborn. Our disagreements usually come about due to our stubbornness and it takes a bit to settle since we are so stubborn.
18. Who wakes up earlier?
Hubby hands down during the week and we tend to both wake up together on the weekends. I am definitely not a morning person.
19. Where was your first date?
First date was probably to Steak-n-Shake or a movie night at his place. Our official first date was a Hockey Game.
20. Who has the bigger family?
Hubby. He has a brother and a sister, and I'm an only child. His extended family is also a lot bigger than mine.
21. Do you get flowers often?
As often as he can get to the florist and she has pink carnations or lilies. He is great at bringing home flowers on Fridays and special occasions such as our anniversary, Valentine's Day, etc.
22. How do you spend the holidays?
We usually split them between the families. We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with friends, but otherwise we split Christmas, New Year's, and Thanksgiving between my mom's, his mom's and my aunt/uncle that we are close with that live an hour away. If it works out, we sometimes divide minor holidays (Easter, Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4th) between the Moms, especially if there is a long weekend included.
23. Who is more jealous?
I do not think either of us is really jealous of the other. We are both comfortable in our skins, and our relationship. I was always taught that a relationship needs to be built on a solid ground, so I do not worry about other girls and I don't think he worries about other guys.
24. How long did it take to get serious?
I think we were serious from the start. We got engaged a year later and married another year and half later. We knew what we wanted in a relationship and we grew strong together through some tough situations we both had to face early in our relationship.
25. Who eats more?
Now me, but it's because I am pregnant. Otherwise it is Hubby. He is truly a bottomless pit.
26. What do you do for a living?
I teach college biology at a local state college and do research for a large state university part-time. Hubby is a mechanical engineer who works on designing new products and fixes the plant's problems. He also travels to his customers to fix their problems.
27. Who does the laundry?
We share the responsibility. He typically sorts it for me and we work together to transfer and move the laundry between the machines. I typically hang up the special care clothes, but we fold all the laundry together. It is a great time to bond and it makes a boring task more fun. Sometimes he completely does it or I completely do it depending on who is home and has time to do it or needs something desperately.
28. Who's better with the computer?
Definitely Hubby. I had a meltdown yesterday when some weird line appeared in my paper and would not go away. After Hubby looked at it and tinkered with the computer for a bit, it was all fixed. He knows how to fix most things in the house.
29. Who drives when you are together?
Usually Hubby. We always take the truck, and so he always drives. I think it's a habit. When we travel, we share the drive most times.
30. What is your song?
Our first dance was Shania Twain's From This Moment On.We hear a lot songs that remind us of each other, so music is important to us.
1. What are your middle names?
2. How long have you been together?
We've been together for 4 years and 4 months. We just celebrated 2 years of marital bliss last Monday.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Since our freshman year of college, so approximately 3 years.
4. Who asked who out?
It was definitely a mutual agreement. Not sure either one of us asked the other out.
5. How old are each of you?
Well I'm 26, but Hubby turns 26 in April
6. Did you go to the same school?
The same college, yes.
7. Are you from the same home town?
No. I'm originally from NY and he is originally from IA.
8. Who is the smartest?
I think we are evenly matched. I have my blonde moments, but for the most part I know my stuff.
9. Who majored in what?
He majored in Mechanical Engineering and I double majored in Marine Biology & Aquaculture for our undergrad degrees. I am currently completing my Master's in Higher Education Instruction and hopefully in the next year he will be able to choose a Master's program to start.
10. Who is the most sensitive?
Definitely me, between being pregnant and being a girl. I tend to cry and take things personal often.
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? FL to NY when we were dating and then FL to IA a few times to visit family.
12. Who has the worst temper?
I throw the temper tantrums, but he can lose his control when he is tired or not feeling well.
13. How many children do you want?
I think we are settled on 3, but we will be happy with whatever God decides for us.
14. Who does the cooking?
Mainly, Hubby because I hate to cook and hate the smell of meat cooking. I usually also get home the latest, so he usually makes something while he waits for me to get home. Occasionally I whip something up, but it is rarely a 9-course affair.
15. Who is more social?
Depends, if I am avoiding homework, term papers, grading exams or projects, I am super social and want to get out of the house and do something or hang with our friends. We were both super social throughout college and he definitely is tighter with his friends that live around here since most of mine have moved to other states.
16. Who is the neat freak?
Definitely me. I hate a disaster. I usually let Hubby make his disaster and then I follow behind him and clean it up (he gets mad at me all the time). It is only when I get a real bug in me do I go on a super clean freak cleaning spree.
17. Who is the most stubborn?
We both are super stubborn. Our disagreements usually come about due to our stubbornness and it takes a bit to settle since we are so stubborn.
18. Who wakes up earlier?
Hubby hands down during the week and we tend to both wake up together on the weekends. I am definitely not a morning person.
19. Where was your first date?
First date was probably to Steak-n-Shake or a movie night at his place. Our official first date was a Hockey Game.
20. Who has the bigger family?
Hubby. He has a brother and a sister, and I'm an only child. His extended family is also a lot bigger than mine.
21. Do you get flowers often?
As often as he can get to the florist and she has pink carnations or lilies. He is great at bringing home flowers on Fridays and special occasions such as our anniversary, Valentine's Day, etc.
22. How do you spend the holidays?
We usually split them between the families. We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with friends, but otherwise we split Christmas, New Year's, and Thanksgiving between my mom's, his mom's and my aunt/uncle that we are close with that live an hour away. If it works out, we sometimes divide minor holidays (Easter, Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4th) between the Moms, especially if there is a long weekend included.
23. Who is more jealous?
I do not think either of us is really jealous of the other. We are both comfortable in our skins, and our relationship. I was always taught that a relationship needs to be built on a solid ground, so I do not worry about other girls and I don't think he worries about other guys.
24. How long did it take to get serious?
I think we were serious from the start. We got engaged a year later and married another year and half later. We knew what we wanted in a relationship and we grew strong together through some tough situations we both had to face early in our relationship.
25. Who eats more?
Now me, but it's because I am pregnant. Otherwise it is Hubby. He is truly a bottomless pit.
26. What do you do for a living?
I teach college biology at a local state college and do research for a large state university part-time. Hubby is a mechanical engineer who works on designing new products and fixes the plant's problems. He also travels to his customers to fix their problems.
27. Who does the laundry?
We share the responsibility. He typically sorts it for me and we work together to transfer and move the laundry between the machines. I typically hang up the special care clothes, but we fold all the laundry together. It is a great time to bond and it makes a boring task more fun. Sometimes he completely does it or I completely do it depending on who is home and has time to do it or needs something desperately.
28. Who's better with the computer?
Definitely Hubby. I had a meltdown yesterday when some weird line appeared in my paper and would not go away. After Hubby looked at it and tinkered with the computer for a bit, it was all fixed. He knows how to fix most things in the house.
29. Who drives when you are together?
Usually Hubby. We always take the truck, and so he always drives. I think it's a habit. When we travel, we share the drive most times.
30. What is your song?
Our first dance was Shania Twain's From This Moment On.We hear a lot songs that remind us of each other, so music is important to us.
11 weeks!
So the site differ on what fruit item the baby resembles this week, so I am putting both up (even though BabyCenter places Baby G as a lime at 12 weeks, not 11 like TheBump does).
Doctor's appointment in another 2 weeks! Starting to really sink in. This upcoming weekend, we will be telling one of my close aunt, uncle and cousin while we visit since it may be a bit obvious since the bloat is not going away now.
10 weeks!
So here we are almost through the first trimester. So far, so good. No morning sickness (knock on wood) and other than the occasional shortness of breath, fatigue moment or total adversion to a particular food; I am feeling well. Next doctor appointment is 3/22 which will put me into my second trimester (12-13 weeks).
Here is this week's baby update:
Not the cutest image and definitely not my favorite fruit/vegetable. Glad to see progress however.
Here is this week's baby update:
Not the cutest image and definitely not my favorite fruit/vegetable. Glad to see progress however.
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
Yesterday was our 2nd Wedding Anniversary! Due to being pregnant and wanting to save some money for the upcoming expenses of having a baby, we opted for a low-key celebration. We both had work, so once we got home, we changed and went to dinner. DH got me a small bouquet of pink flowers (my fave; lilies & carnations). This year dinner was at Texas Roadhouse, since I was on a steak craze. After a nice dinner where we were able to chat about our days and then some ideas about baby things, we headed home and ended up being lazy watching TV and me doing some of my homework.
I have my big project for this class due next week, so this week and weekend will be completely devoted to it. I was home today so I worked on my project and did some light stuff around the house. The desk is finally built and so I utilized it to read. I was planning to scrap for a bit, but once I got organized, I started to feel tired. The tired feeling is beginning to be a daily occurrence, but as long as this is the only symptom, I can deal.
I have my big project for this class due next week, so this week and weekend will be completely devoted to it. I was home today so I worked on my project and did some light stuff around the house. The desk is finally built and so I utilized it to read. I was planning to scrap for a bit, but once I got organized, I started to feel tired. The tired feeling is beginning to be a daily occurrence, but as long as this is the only symptom, I can deal.
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